
Triple P : Positive Parenting Program

Individual Support


Would you like to help your child be more responsible and competent?  Do you know what types of behaviour are typical for your child’s age group and how to adapt your parenting skills?  This support can be provided one-on-one throughout the year by contacting our Intake Services and requesting a Parent Consultation.  This information focuses on identifying common behaviour challenges and developing strategies that will help you to reduce minor problem behaviours and be more confident by learning to prevent issues, establish limits and consequences when necessary. 

Age range: For parents/caregivers of children 2 - 12 years ADULTS ONLY

Dates: On-going throughout the year

Cost: No cost (donations gratefully accepted)

Location: Sessions can be held in office, phone or via Zoom


Please call our office at 403.945.3900 and ask to speak with Intake about a Parent Consultation.

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