Rural Services



Support Services

Support Services helps get you connected to your community. There are no fees for accessing programs through Support Services.

Information and referral program (intake)

  • Are you facing challenges and are looking for support to get connected to programs and services? Our Information and Referral Program can help.

  • This Program can be accessed in-person at the Beiseker Office the 4th Wednesday of each month between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm, or by appointment at our Airdrie location during regular office hours. Phone service is available by calling toll free to 1-866-945-3905. We provide outreach services in Irricana, Crossfield and North Rocky View County.  

  • Support Services staff can provide information, supported referrals, and advocacy to help community members connect to services and programs within Community Links, within your community, or from the Government. The program is designed to empower community members to identify their specific needs and build knowledge and problem-solving skills to address challenges now and in the future.

  • In partnership with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, community members with a modest income and simple tax situation can have your income tax completed at no cost.

  • In partnership with the Airdrie Food Bank, food hampers can be delivered to Beiseker community members.


  • Community Links Counselling Services will be in Beiseker every 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm to serve community members of Beiseker or through a session by phone or virtually.

  • We provide one-on-one counselling for individuals, couples, families, youth and children from 10 years old and up. Sometimes individuals share your issues looking for solutions and sometimes you just need to unload your stress; either way our counselling sessions are strictly confidential. We provide therapeutic workshops and groups to suit your needs.

  • Be advised all our Counsellors are professionals who can deliver valued counselling for you and your family members.

  • All referrals to Counselling go through our Information and Referral Program.

Family Resource services

  • Parent Education: Parents can access programs to build and enhance your skills and confidence.

  • Parent Consultation: The one-on-one support is designed to help parents and caregivers identify and develop their strengths and to be active, involved, and respectful leaders in the family. The Parent Coach can offer behaviour guidance skills that can make parenting much more enjoyable and effective.

  • Early Childhood Development: These programs are designed to be a lot of fun and enhance parent-child relationships through positive experiences together. The children are invited to explore a wide variety of high quality, interactive, play based activities. These activities encourage curiosity, social skills, problem-solving experiences and other skills that can help them to develop their readiness to learn and ensure they start school with the ability to success. Programs also offer parents and caregivers an opportunity to access resources and build friendships.

  • Ages & Stages (ASQ-3) Developmental Check-Up is available in-person or online through our Mini Milestones Program.

    Beiseker Specific Groups/Workshops/Events

  • Please check our website under Programs-Rural Areas for specific groups/workshops/events occurring in Beiseker.

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