Does your child love songs, rhymes, and stories? This program will be offered once a month, it is for parents/caregivers and children ages 0 – 5 years. Each month there will be new stories and songs. We will discuss the importance of early literacy, language, and a variety of parenting topics to promote healthy child development. As a result of this group, your family will have a stronger understanding of how to support school readiness and your child’s development. This group is offered in collaboration with the Irricana & Rural Municipal Library and Rocky View County FCSS.
Age range: For parents/caregivers and children 0 - 5 years
Dates: The third Wednesday of the month: March 19, April 16, May 21, and June 18, 2025.
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Registration deadline: Registration is on-going so that if a program has already started and is not at capacity, you may still be able to attend. Please contact Community Links for more information.
Cost: No cost (donations gratefully accepted)
Location: Irricana & Rural Municipal Library (226 2 St. Irricana)
Please fill out the following form to register in this program. We will contact you with further details if needed OR if a fee is required to complete signup. Use the Additional Comments section at the end of the form for any further questions.